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Create and vote on polls directly in Google Chat

What’s changing 

In order to provide users with an easy way to gather feedback directly in their Google Chat conversations, we’re introducing a new Poll app.


Through a simple creation process, teams and groups can share questions for feedback. This feature can be useful in scenarios in which you need to poll colleagues about an upcoming event, meeting time or team outing. The Poll app provides the ability to see results instantly, along with options to make polls multi-choice or anonymous. Using the Poll app, teams can arrive at faster, more inclusive decisions while keeping the conversation flowing.

Additional details 

Some poll questions that ask where to eat, grab coffee, meet may have special icons.

Getting started 

  • Admins
  • End users
    • Create a new poll by typing “/poll” in any chat conversation and clicking enter.
    • You can also access the Poll app by typing “@Poll” or use the recently announced quick commandand click the plus button menu in the compose box and search for “Poll.”
    • Users outside of your domain cannot vote on polls posted in spaces with external members.

Rollout pace

  • Rapid release and scheduled release: Available now.


  • Available to all Google Workspace customers that have enabled Chat apps in their domain, Workspace Individual Subscribers, and users with personal Google accounts


As a senior partner of Google in Vietnam, Gimasys has more than 10+ years of experience, consulting on implementing digital transformation for 2000+ domestic corporations. Some typical customers Jetstar, Dien Quan Media, Heineken, Jollibee, Vietnam Airline, HSC, SSI...

Gimasys is currently a strategic partner of many major technology companies in the world such as Salesforce, Oracle Netsuite, Tableau, Mulesoft.

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