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Now generally available: Monitor and manage AppSheet usage in your organization with the AppSheet Admin console

What’s changing

Beginning today, Google is pleased to announce that all Google Workspace Admins with the AppSheet service privilege can access the AppSheet Admin Console. The AppSheet Admin console is a consolidated location to monitor, manage and govern AppSheet across your organization. Previously, the AppSheet Admin Console was only available to those with an AppSheet Enterprise Plus license in public preview, but now any admin with sufficient privileges has access to monitor and manage their users (note: some features require an enterprise license for the admin and the user).

The AppSheet Admin Console gives admins visibility into the users, apps and licenses associated with their AppSheet users. From here, admins can:

  • Review the most popular apps and creators.
  • Review how many apps are owned and used for every user account.
  • View all of their organization's app users.
  • Verify the AppSheet licenses purchased, assigned and used.
  • Export a list of accounts, users, apps and licenses.

Since Public Preview, we’ve added more functionality:

  • Historical app usage: Admins can see app usage history for all accounts in their organization up to three months starting today and soon extending to six months.
  • Self-serve provisioning: Admins can choose how their enterprise licenses are provisioned - either through license assignment in the Workspace Admin Console or automatically upon login to AppSheet.
  • Organizations as the new standard: New and existing Workspace customers can manage all of their secondary domain users under a consolidated AppSheet organization.
Bảng điều khiển quản trị AppSheet - Mục tài khoản
AppSheet Admin Console – Account category
Bảng điều khiển quản trị AppSheet - Mục chi tiết giấy phép sử dụng
AppSheet Admin Console – Detailed liceses category
Bảng điều khiển quản trị AppSheet - Mục lưu lượng sử dụng
AppSheet Admin Console – App usage category
Bảng điều khiển quản trị AppSheet - Mục quản lý tổng thể
AppSheet Admin Console – Organization overview category

Who’s impacted


Why it’s important

Google has heard from our customers that in order to effectively manage AppSheet activity in their organizations, they need visibility into its usage. This includes information regarding how many users are using an AppSheet license, who is accessing their teams apps, and more. Expanding access to the AppSheet Admin console provides admins with these critical metrics, enabling them to understand how the tool is being used and govern the use of the tool as needed.

Additional details

The Licenses page will remain in public preview pending some supporting launches and additional enhancements expected early in 2025.

Getting started

  • Admins: Visit the Help Center to learn more about using the AppSheet Admin Console.
  • End users: There is no end user impact or action required.

Rollout pace

  • Rapid and Scheduled Release domains: Full rollout (1–3 days for feature visibility) starting on June 21, 2024


  • Available to all domain verified Google Workspace customers.

Source: Gimasys

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