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Google Cloud Newsletter April 2020

Connect to Google Cloud: Explain your network options.

Your organization recently decided to adopt Google Cloud. Now you just need to decide how you will connect your applications to the Google cloud... Public IP address or VPN? Through interconnect or through peering? If you want to go the interconnect route, should you go directly or through a partner?….

Help information centers respond quickly to customer concerns about COVID-19

As COVID-19 spreads across the globe, people are turning to governments, healthcare organizations and other businesses with questions about their health, finances, etc. There is a sudden increase in demand. This unprecedented, is putting a strain on customer support resources….

Achieving identity and access governance on Google Cloud

When businesses shift from solely on-premises deployments to using cloud-based services, identity management can become more complex. This is especially true when it comes to hhybrid) hybrid and (multi-cloud)multi-cloud….

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