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Pre-configure meeting notes, recordings, and minutes from invitations in Google Calendar
What’s changing
Meeting hosts can now pre-configure meeting notes, meeting recordings, and meeting minutes from Calendar invites. This helps ensure that these specific artifacts are automatically recorded, reducing the need for the meeting host to turn them on during the meeting, eliminating awkward pauses or the risk of forgetting to turn them on at the same time.

You can configure these artifacts from the Calendar invite by going to Settings > Meeting records and selecting which artifacts you want automatically applied
Getting started
- Admins: Visit the Help Center to learn more about turning meeting recordings on or off for your organization and turning Meet Transcriptions on or off. When turned on, meeting hosts will be able to pre-configure these artifacts for their meetings.
- End users: Follow the "Google Help Center" to Learn more about allowing meeting recording to start automatically.
Rollout pace
- Rapid and Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) beginning on April 9, 2024.
Available for Google Workspace*:
- Business Standard and Plus
- Enterprise Starter, Standard, and Plus
- Education Plus and the Teaching and Learning Upgrade
- Essentials and Enterprise Essentials,
- Workspace Individual Subscribers
- Google One subscribers with 2 TB or more storage space
*Note that your version of Google Workspace will determine which meeting features are available to you.