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Gmail on iOS: View emails from multiple accounts at once

What’s new: You can see email from multiple accounts on the Gmail iOS app, whether it's a work account or a personal account, whether you use G Suite or not (even if you use an IMAP account ). Of course, you could also view emails from multiple accounts before, but you would have to go to settings and choose to enable or disable each account to see it. To save time, Google now allows you to read emails from multiple accounts from one inbox interface on iOS devices – just like you can do with Gmail on Android.

Gmail on iOS View emails from multiple accounts at once
 Gmail on iOS View emails from multiple accounts at once

To see all emails, simply select the “All inboxes” section from the left panel. The application will then display all incoming messages in a list. But don't worry – emails won't get mixed up between the two accounts 🙂


Update: Gimasys

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