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Improving the Google Calendar appointment scheduling experience with new features

What’s changing

Following Google's recent announcement that the appointment time slot feature in Google Calendar will be replaced by appointment calendar in July 2024, Google is updating appointment calendar by adding new features to enhance the overall experience. .

First, Google will add the option to specify a custom weekly recurrence when creating an appointment in Calendar. This will allow users to repeat appointments in more flexible repetitions, such as every two weeks.

Google thêm tùy chọn chỉ định lặp lại tùy chỉnh khi tạo lịch hẹn trong Calendar

Second, bookers (and co-hosts) can now add additional guests or rooms to booked events. This feature is only available if the user creating the appointment selects the “Guests can invite others” option during setup or editing of the appointment.

Appointment creators can assign permissions
Appointment creators can assign permissions

Finally, appointment creators can now add Google Groups as a co-host during setup so users can more easily organize appointments with others.

Getting started

  • Admin: There is no admin control for these features.
  • End users: Visit the Help Center to learn more about creating appointments and customizing appointment availability.

Rollout pace

  • Rapid Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on March 5, 2024
  • Scheduled Release domains: Gradual rollout (up to 15 days for feature visibility) starting on April 15, 2024


Custom repeat options and allowing guests to invite others on “Appointment Schedules” are available for Google Workspace:

  • Business Starter, Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Standard, Plus 
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
  • Workspace Individual Subscribers 
  • Google One Premium users 
  • Personal Google accounts 
  • Nonprofits 

Feature to add groups as co-hosts on “Appointment Schedules” are availabled on Google Workspace:

  • Business Standard, Plus 
  • Enterprise Standard, Plus 
  • Education Fundamentals, Standard, Plus, the Teaching & Learning Upgrade 
  • Nonprofits 

Source: Gimasys


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