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Quickly refine search results in Google Chat with search chips

What’s changing

We’re expanding an existing mobile feature to the web that helps you find exactly what you’re looking for much faster using search chips that filter your search results.

The filters available to help you find messages are:

  • From: Messages sent from specific people.
  • Said in: Messages said in a specific conversation or space.
  • Date: Messages sent during a specific date range.
  • Has file: Messages that include documents, spreadsheets, slides, and more.
  • Has link: Messages that include links.
  • Mentions me: Messages that mention you.

Google Chat lọc kết quả tìm kiếm nhanh chóng nhờ Chips Search 1

Getting started

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • Admins
    • To find a specific message with the help of search filter chips: type your keyword(s) in the search bar in or Chat mobile app > hit enter. On the search results page, you can see the filter chips above the results > click on a filter chip to apply the filter on the search results.
    • For Chat in Gmail, type your keyword(s) in the search bar > navigate to the “messages” tab on the search results page > you can see the filter chips above the results > click on a filter chip to apply the filter on the search results.
    • Visit the Help Center to learn more about searching for Google Chat messages.

Rollout pace

  • This feature is available now for all users.


  • Available to all Google Workspace customerscustomers, as well as legacy G Suite Basic and Business customers.
  • Available to users with personal Google Accounts

Source: Gimasys

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