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What is VPS GPU? Compare VPS GPU and CPU

If you need to run applications that require complex graphics and process a very large amount of data (Big Data), you should consider choosing to rent a service. VPS GPUs to ensure stable and uninterrupted system operation.

What is VPS GPU? 

VPS GPU is a VPS service equipped with an additional GPU (Graphic Processing Unit – graphics processor), thanks to the GPU, the virtual server system will be upgraded to maximum performance to be able to handle complex task requirements, increase calculation speed... that normal virtual servers cannot perform. 

Compare GPU VPS and CPU VPS

  • Feature: 
    • CPU: VPS CPU (Central Processing Unit) is considered the "brain" of the system, it will distribute calculation and processing of all necessary tasks so that all application software on the server can run correctly. 
    • GPU: GPU is used to process complex graphics such as in computer games. GPU is faster and more powerful than CPU. GPUs can complete multiple processing tasks at the same time.
  • Cost
    • CPU: This is a common VPS processor, so the price is moderate and suitable for most users' needs 
    • GPU: Because the processing ability is faster and more powerful than CPU, the price of GPU is also much higher, so depending on the purpose of use, users should consider choosing VPS GPU or VPS CPU.

What is VPS GPU used for

Provides graphics for most types of games

With extremely powerful graphics processing capabilities, VPS GPU is the top choice for gamers who are passionate about heavy graphics games and often hang up for long periods of time. 

Big data processing – Big Data in a parallel environment

You can absolutely rent VPS GPU to process large amounts of data (Big Data) for business purposes to shorten time and increase efficiency in the business.

Runs emulators for many different Android environments 

VPS GPU can help users running Android emulators such as running for Bluestacks or Nox,...

GPU Serving AI, Machine Learning

Thanks to its extremely fast processing speed and more power than CPUs, GPUs are often chosen to serve AI development applications, Machine Learning

Where should I rent VPS GPU? 

To find the best VPS GPU provider, you can refer to some of the technology companies below: 

Google Cloud Platform (GCP): GCP provides Compute Engine services with virtual servers with GPUs, including high-quality NVIDIA graphics cards such as NVIDIA T4 and NVIDIA A100. As a senior partner of Google Cloud in Vietnam, Gimasys will support you to quickly register for VPS GPU service from Google.

Amazon Web Services (AWS): AWS provides EC2 P3 instance services with powerful GPUs such as NVIDIA V100 and NVIDIA A100,

Microsoft Azure: Azure offers a series of NV and ND virtual machines equipped with powerful NVIDIA graphics cards such as NVIDIA V100, A100 and P100. 

IBM Cloud: IBM Cloud offers GPU virtual machines in services like IBM Cloud Virtual Servers and IBM Cloud Kubernetes Services with hardware options like NVIDIA V100 and NVIDIA P100.

Above is some information about VPS GPUs, hopefully through the article you can understand the operating mechanism as well as the differences between VPS with GPU versus CPU so you can consider choosing the type of virtual server service that suits your personal/business needs. to optimize costs and performance. 

As a senior partner of Google in Vietnam, Gimasys has more than 10+ years of experience, consulting on implementing digital transformation for 2000+ domestic corporations. Some typical customers Jetstar, Dien Quan Media, Heineken, Jollibee, Vietnam Airline, HSC, SSI...

Gimasys is currently a strategic partner of many major technology companies in the world such as Salesforce, Oracle Netsuite, Tableau, Mulesoft.

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