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Restrict access for new Google Sites

What’s changing: Vì một số trang Google Site chỉ dành cho một số đối tuợng nguời dùng nhất định, Google đã cho phép giới hạn chính xác ai là người có thể xem nội dung mà bạn xây dựng  trong Google Sites phiên bản  mới.

To limit your Google Sites page to a specific audience, select the “Share with others” icon and change the setting “Specific people can view when published.” (Only certain people can see when published). Next, add the users you want them to see the content in the “Invite People” section and select “Can view published”

This functionality is only available on the web platform, it will be rolled out in the Google Drive Android and iOS apps in the coming weeks. For more information on publishing in the new Google Sites, see more Help Center.


Update: Gimasys

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