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Advanced features for appointment scheduling on Google

Google Calendar is one of the most popular services used on phones and has been downloaded more than 500 million times. While there are plenty of other appointment scheduling apps on Android and the AppStore to choose from, Google Calendar stands out thanks to its combination of ease of use and advanced functionality.

Advanced features for appointment scheduling on Google


Some advanced features are desktop-specific and can only be performed on a PC or by using shortcuts from the home screen. If you use Google Calendar with one of the Chromebook products, you can also try these tips.

Advanced features for appointment scheduling on Google 1

Advanced features for appointment scheduling on Google

Compare schedules 

Arranging a schedule is always a challenge for people with busy lives. To help you align your time with other people's, Google Calendar shows you everyone's schedule at the same time. 

Send an email to all event participants 

Google Calendar automatically notifies your participants if you make any changes to an event (for example, time, date, or attachment), so you don't need to send an email them if you have adjusted the event details. However, if you need to send a message to all participants, Google Calendar can help with that. 

Share your calendar 

Sharing your calendar allows others to follow your schedule in just seconds.

Adjust automatic reminders for events 

Google Calendar's automatic reminders are very handy, but you may want to adjust when these reminders appear as they default to 30 minutes. You can set reminders for different times, and you can also set multiple reminders for the same event.

Automatically email your schedule to yourself 

Google Calendar has a dedicated view called Schedule to see your daily work schedule. This is a convenient way to see your upcoming events, but you can also receive this information if it's custom emailed daily. After activating this feature, you do not need to open Google Calendar to view your itinerary. However, you'll use the desktop version of Google Calendar to set it up.Advanced features for appointment scheduling on Google 3

Quick response change 

Google Calendar recommends Quick Response when you email event participants. There are four options, and while the general notifications are useful for most situations, you may want to tailor them to a more personal level. The process is quick and simple.

Add extension to Google Calendar

Google Calendar is popular because it's a simple platform, but that's also one of its drawbacks, making it a bit too limited for some users. However, like Google Chrome, Google Calendar has many extensions to increase its capabilities. These add-ons range from integrated Zoom meetings to contact managers. These integrations only work on the desktop version.

Add extra time zones 

If you work with people around the world, it can be easy to get confused about time zones. Google Calendar can display secondary time zones, so you can quickly check what time an event starts in another part of the world. This feature is only available on desktop computers.

Restore deleted events 

Everyone can accidentally delete an important event at some point. Google Calendar's Trash feature allows you to restore deleted events, restoring all relevant information about the event's state before you deleted it. This feature is exclusive to the desktop version only.

Above are these Advanced features for Google Meet. So are you ready to use Google Meet? Google Workspace customers in your business? Gimasys - Google's Premier Partner in Vietnam is a provider and consultant on the structure and design of the optimal Cloud solution for you. For technical support, you can contact Gimasys – Premier Partner of Google in Vietnam at the following information:

  • Hotline: 0974 417 099 (HCM) | 0987 682 505 (HN)
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Source: Gimasys

As a senior partner of Google in Vietnam, Gimasys has more than 10+ years of experience, consulting on implementing digital transformation for 2000+ domestic corporations. Some typical customers Jetstar, Dien Quan Media, Heineken, Jollibee, Vietnam Airline, HSC, SSI...

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