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Dedicated IP address for Hangouts Meets
What’s new
This means you can identify video call traffic in G Suite and de-prioritize traffic from Hangouts user accounts. This feature will help you configure hGoogle is adding a pool of official, dedicated IP addresses for Hangouts Classtic and Hangouts Meet for businesses using G Suite (Workspaceconfiguration, network optimization as well as firewall access.
Who is affected?
Only admins and network operators
Why should you use them?
Hangouts Meet IP addresses allow you to verify video call traffic in G Suite. You can use this IP to:
- Open TCP and UDP ports for Meet's IP
- Avoid using /DPI for the Meet IP address
- Reduce delays by providing the shortest possible path from Meet traffic to the Internet
How to get started
- For Admin: Update your firewall for Hangouts IP addresses. You can find these IP addresses and more in the Help Center
- For end users: No impact on end users
Additional information
Hangouts Meet and traditional Hangouts will stop using the old IP address from February 14, 2019. Because this change may affect the optimal performance of the network you have built, Google recommends that you use these IP addresses as part of your network and firewall configuration.
Updated: Gimasys