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G Suite: Default warning for government-backed attacks

What’s changing: In August, Google deployment an option for G Suite admins to receive security alerts if Google believes their users are being targeted by calls. government-backed attack. At that point, the admin must explicitly enable these warnings. Google knows many admins aren't aware of this warning and so they don't get this important information either. As a result, Google has turned these warnings ON for most admins since 10/10/2018.

Admins will receive a security alert if Google believes their users are being targeted by a government-backed attack.

You will still have the option to turn off these warnings by going to Reports > Manage alerts > Government-backed attack warning (Report > Alert Management > Government Backed Attack Alerts) in the Admin console, or you can opt out any time you receive a warning email.

You can turn off these messages in the admin console

Note that if you previously enabled and then turned off these alerts, they will remain disabled.

Updated: Gimasys

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