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Google Forms: Switch to the new user interface from August 22, 2018

What’s changing: In September 2015, Google was launch a new interface for Google Forms designed to simplify the experience, with default forms that are prettier and make it easier to analyze responses. In February 2016, Google made the new version of Forms the default choice for users. More than 90% forms are now managed in the new interface and Google is ready to completely replace the old interface.

As part of the replacement process, Google will upgrade forms using the old interface to the new interface. These changes will update the appearance of some forms, but the functionality and data collected from the forms will not change.

Limited options to use the old Forms interface from August 22

Starting August 22, 2018:

  • New forms can only be created and managed in the new interface. All new forms will be created and managed in the new user interface. And there will be no option to switch them back to the old UI.
  • Previously, forms created in the new UI could only be managed in the new interface. All forms previously created in the new Forms interface will no longer have the option to return to the old interface.
  • Forms created in the old interface will be upgraded. When a user wants to edit a form that was previously created in the old interface, the form is automatically converted to the new Forms interface. Editors will see a notification and have an undo option to manage forms in the old interface until November 2018. Google will also automatically upgrade forms that haven't been edited or haven't received any feedback since last year.

Interface upgrade completed on November 21

Starting from November 21, 2018:

  • All forms in the old interface will be automatically upgraded gradually to the new interface. Once they are upgraded, you will only be able to manage them through the new interface.

Make sure the new version of Google Forms meets your requirements

Throughout this transition, Google listened to user feedback and included the most requested features in the new version of Forms. These features include:

Recently launched new theme options to customize your forms

Upgrade to the new Google Forms interface today

If you haven't upgraded yet, Google encourages you and your users to start using the new Forms interface today:

  • To create a new form in Forms, go to and select “Start a new form.”
  • To upgrade a form in the old Forms interface, open the form and look for a banner that says “Try the new Google Forms.”

The placement of some options is changed, but the Forms features you know and love are still there, and there are lots of new features that Google believes will be useful for your work.


Update: Gimasys

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