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Google Meet: improve and change some features in livestreams

What is changing?

Google is improving now live streams for Google Meet with 2 new features:

  • Live streams between multiple domains: Previously, only guests within your organization could watch live streams. Admins can now specify Google domains Workspace Reliable for Google Meet live streams. Once added, you can also invite users in those trusted domains to watch live streams produced by your organization.
  • Live streams subtitles: Users now have the option to enable subtitles when starting a live stream. At launch, subtitles for live streams will be available in English, German, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Note that the subtitles available for video calls on Google Meet..

Who is affected?

Admins and end users

Why it’s important

Many companies have important meetings that require getting the message across to large groups of people, such as a hands-on training or company-wide briefing. With live streaming for Google Meet, up to 100,000 users (or 10,000 in some versions) can watch the meeting from the web or their mobile device.

Live streams between multiple domains allows you to expand your audience of live streams not only to guests in your organization, but also to guests in another trusted Workspace domain.

Subtitles in live streams may make it more accessible to deaf or hard of hearing users, and may help other users who would rather read the text than hear more from the meeting.

Subtitles allow users to read what is being said in the live stream
Subtitles allow users to read what is being said in the live stream

Getting started

Rollout pace

Live streams between multiple domains


  • Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Teaching and Learning Upgrade, and Education Plus
  • Not applicable to Google Workspace Essentials, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Enterprise Essentials, Education Fundamentals, Frontline, and Nonprofits, as well as G Suite Basic and Business customers

Source: Gimasys

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