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[Tutorial] How to draw tables in Google Docs

Whenever you want to present data in the form of numbers or factual information about a certain topic, inserting a table is considered the best option to allow you to process your data systematically. system. This article is intended as a guide How to draw a table inside Google Docs, helping people with Google Docs how to create tables.

How to create a table in Google Docs 

Google Docs is considered a modern tool for collaborating on PC/Laptop, and at the same time connecting you with many different people, those colleagues and customers can all view documents in real time. through electronic means. Sometimes, people feel the need to have a document with well-curated facts and parameters to help them present their ideas easily in an office meeting. This leads to the question of how to create a table on Google Docs because it not only beautifies the presentation but also systematically enhances the visibility of data to make it look easy to understand and attractive. . You can follow the steps below to learn how to create a table in Google Docs.

Step 1. Select the table

Place the cursor to the specific point where you want to add your table. Then select the option “Insert” > “Table”.

How to draw a table in Google Docs 1Step 2. Insert a table

At this point, a grid of squares appears on the front and you can select the table based on the required number of columns and rows. After selecting the required columns and tables, click on the selected grid and a table will appear where you placed your cursor in the first place.

How to draw a table in Google Docs 2Step 3. Working with Tables

How to Add, Row, and Column in Google Docs 

If 20 columns and 20 rows is still not enough for you to create a table that includes all the data you want, you can always add or remove rows and columns from the table following the instructions below.

Step 1. Open the Google Docs file with the table.

How to draw a table in Google Docs 3Step 2. To add rows we choose "Table" and choose "Insert Row".

  • Insert row Above: Add 1 line above. 
  • Insert row Below: Add 1 line below. 

Step 3. To add a column we choose "Table" and select "Insert Colum".

  • Insert column Left: Add column on the left. 
  • Insert column Right: Add the right column. 

Step 4. To delete the column we choose "Table" and select "Delete"

  • Delete row: Delete row. 
  • Delete Column: Delete the column.

How to delete a table in Google Docs 

Step 1. Right-click a cell inside the table to display the pop-up box.

Step 2. Select “Delete table” in the pop-up box.

You can also delete rows and columns with this method, as long as you right-click a cell in the row or column that you want to delete.

How to draw a table in Google Docs Presented above are some good tips when using this tool. To learn more about Google Docs or Google Workspace customers or need professional technical support, you can contact Gimasys – Premier Partner of Google in Vietnam with the following information:

  • Hotline: 0974 417 099 (HCM) | 0987 682 505 (HN)
  • Email:

Source: Gimasys

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