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Start meetings more efficiently with the Calendar guest list in Google Meet

Quick Summary 

Danh sách khách mời trên Lịch trong Google Meet
Danh sách khách mời trên Lịch trong Google Meet

In Google Meet, you can now see participants who were invited to the meeting but have yet to join the call. These participants can be found under the “Also invited” heading. Additionally, you’ll also be able to see the RSVP status of everyone on the invite, including “optional” attendees and RSVP notes.

From here, you can reach out to those users via Chat to confirm whether they will be joining directly from Meet, eliminating the need to open additional tabs or switch to another app.

Danh sách khách mời trên Lịch trong Google Meet 2

We hope this feature makes it easier for you to start meetings more efficiently by quickly determining who has not joined and sending them a nudge via Chat directly from Meet.

Getting started

  • Admins: There is no admin control for this feature.
  • End users: For users in eligible Google Workspace customers editions, this feature will be available by default for Meet calls with a Calendar event.

Rollout pace


  • Available to Google Workspace Enterprise Standard, Enterprise Plus, Business Starter, Business Standard, Business Plus, Education Fundamentals, Education Standard, bản nâng cấp Teaching & Learning, Education Plus, Khách hàng phi lợi nhuận và các khách hàng cũ của G Suite Basic và Business
  • Not available to Google Workspace Essentials, Enterprise Essentials, Individual customers and users with personal Google Accounts.

Source: Gimasys

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