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G Suite Newsletter October 2018

In this update, Google introduced a great feature that G Suite users have had for a long time (Workspace Google) is always looking forward to: Better compatibility with Microsoft Office users. Thanks to Drive File Stream, you will receive warnings when many people are viewing and editing Word, Excel, Powerpoint files, etc. Besides, security - an issue that is always a top priority for Google, now There are many additional features to help you understand the security risks your business is facing.

G Suite Newsletter October 2018 (1)

Icon Hangouts Meet: 100,000 people in the business can see the meeting online

With important meetings, businesses may require information to be communicated to many people, such as training sessions for all officers and employees. G Suite Enterprise users can now live stream* their meetings to ensure these requirements… See more

Icon G Suite: Alerts when multiple people edit Microsoft Office files on Drive

On October 17, 2018, Google will begin implementing Real-time presence - a feature that displays users in real time, for Microsoft Offcie files stored on Google Drive. Now the G Suite admin (all versions) has admin rights to this feature.... See more

Icon Temporarily turn off Hangouts Chat notifications

Hangouts Chat is built to help you collaborate more effectively, you can now temporarily turn off Hangouts Chat notifications, letting others know that you'll check and update your chat when you have it. time…. See more

Icon Smart Compose: Smart Compose Feature Available in G Suite

Google has added features to make it easy to compose and respond to emails. Smart Compose in Gmail, now rolling out to all G Suite users, intelligently predicts and autocompletes your emails…. See more

Icon Priority: Smarter way to suggest and organize documents in Drive Beta

Trong phần bảng điều hướng bên trái của Google Drive, Google đang thêm một trang mới vào để giúp bạn tìm và xử lý các file lưu trên Drive một cách dễ dàng hơn. Trang ưu tiên (Priority Page) này sử dụng Machine learning để gợi ý các tài liệu mà có thể bạn đang cần truy cập và có phần “work space” – không gian làm việc để giúp bạn sắp xếp chúng….. See more

Icon Work Insight: Find out the percentage of G Suite adoption in the enterprise

Google is rolling out Work Insight – a new tool to help you quickly access and gauge the impact of G Suite on your business. Work insight allows you to capture the usage rate of G Suite applications by users in the company... See more

Icon Security center: G Suite's investigation tool has been rolled out to users

Google rolled out the investigative tool for businesses under its Early Adopter Program (EAP) in July and is rolling it out gradually (Generally Available GA). This feature will allow G Suite admins and security analysts to identify vulnerabilities and respond to threats that threaten their businesses…. See more

Icon Alert Center: Manage important notifications in G Suite

This month, Google rolled out Alert Center* – Alert Center for G Suite, beta. The Alert Center will provide a complete overview of the notifications, alerts, and actions of the applications in the G Suite package... See more

Updated: Gimasys

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