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Google Workspace Newsletter August 2023

Google Meet supports quick access to many features right in the meeting on a web browser

Google is introducing a new quick tap to access popular features in Google Meet. By hovering over the video feed… See more

In-line replies now available within announcement spaces in Google Chat

Earlier this year, Google introduced the ability for Spaces managers to configure Spaces to share organizational announcements… See more

Adding line numbers to Google Docs

In addition to previous updates that give you more control over the formatting in Google Docs, such as viewing non-printable characters and improvements to content organization, etc. See more

Add hyperlinks to text in Google Chat

Users can now use Web and Android text links when composing or editing messages in Google Chat… See more

Paid appointment bookings now available in Google Calendar

To improve on the current capabilities of appointment scheduling, the Google Calendar feature allows users to share their availability through the booking page, etc. See more

Introducing membership search and the option to add up to 50,000 members to spaces in Google Chat

To continue our efforts to increase communication and collaboration for teams of all sizes in Google Workspace, Google is increasing the number of users you can add to a Space in Google Chat from 8,000 to 50,000… See more


Source: Gimasys

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