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Google Workspace Newsletter October 2020
Introducing Google Workspace and a new suite of products to better meet your needs
Google is excited to announce that G Suite is now Google Workspace: everything you need to get things done, all in one place…. See more
Google Chat lets you mark read with direct messages
On October 5, you'll be able to see when your Google Chat direct messages have been viewed on Android, iOS, and the web… See more
Google workspace allows to filter audit logs and usage reports by group
When you add a new or existing group to the whitelist, you can filter to see the events in the logs or usage reports by that particular group… See more
Automatically delete documents in Trash of Google Drive from October 13, 2020
Any files placed in the Google Drive trash are automatically deleted after 30 days. Previously, items moved to the trash will be kept… See more
Google Meet lets you blur the background around you in a meeting
You can now blur the background of your video in Google Meet. Meet will intelligently separate you from the background, blurring your surroundings… See more
Google Meet allows up to 49 people to be seen in the meeting
Google meet added the ability to see yourself on a tile in a meeting now you'll see the option to add or remove yourself from the layout… See more
Google Workspace allows sharing of folders in the share drive
Shared drive empowers teams and organizations to store, access, and collaborate on files. You can share a folder with other users… See more
Google Sheets: New features to improve and analyze data
Google is launching Smart Cleanup in Sheets, which helps prepare and analyze data in Google Sheets easier… See more
Source: Gimasys