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G Suite Newsletter August 2018

Trong đợt cập nhật và đổi mới lần này, Google mang đến một thông báo quan trọng về quyền lựa chọn vùng lưu trữ dữ liệu của doanh nghiệp bạn. Bên cạnh đó, Google cũng đã và đang tận dụng tối đa sức mạnh của Machine Learning và Artificial Intelligence để các ứng dụng trong G Suite (Workspace Google) becomes an effective support tool for you. With new features in Google Calendar, Drive, Forms,... users will have a simpler experience, saving time to focus on core tasks.

G Suite Newsletter August 2018 (1)

Icon Choose your data storage area

Google's globally spread data centers play a huge role in reducing latency for multinational organizations and protecting their data, through data backup (geographic redundancy)... See more

Icon Add meeting time suggestions in Google Calendar

Adjusting meeting schedules in Google Calendar will become easier. Google is introducing a new feature that allows for more efficient meeting scheduling. Now, each meeting guest can propose a new time and the organizer can easily review and accept this time change…. See more

Icon Google Docs: New Grammar Suggestion (EAP)

Giờ đây trong Google Docs, bạn có thể thấy các đề xuất ngữ pháp cùng với giao diện mới được cải tiến để kiểm tra chính tả và ngữ pháp. Những tính năng mới này được xây dựng dựa trên chức năng kiểm tra lỗi chính tả hiện có…. See more

Icon Google Drive: New Smart Search Box

Google is improving the way search works in Google Drive. When you click on the search box, you will see a series of options….. See more

Icon Google Calendar intelligently suggests meeting rooms for your meetings

Earlier this year, Google announced a new feature in Calendar that, using Google's artificial intelligence, can automatically suggest available meeting rooms based on the guest's location. Now, Google officially launched the feature with ….. See more

Icon Update: New Google login interface

Last month, Google announced a new look in the Google login screen. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen delays, Google rolled out the new design on July 17 with some minor changes…… See more

Icon The new version of Gmail is officially released to everyone

Now, Google is bringing the new version of Gmail to more businesses, so they can take advantage of its innovative features, like snooze, nudge, and external access. routes and many new additional features….. See more

Icon G Suite Security Center: Assess Threats and Provide Solutions

Google will launch an Early Adopter Program (EAP) for a new “testing tool” in the Security center – the security center of G Suite. This will help G Suite admins and security analysts identify, classify and deal with business security threats... See more

Icon G Suite: See additional activities in device audit logs

Device audit logs in the admin console provide reports on the activity of mobile and desktop devices managed in the enterprise. See more

Icon Protect users with the latest G Suite sign-in challenge: Employee ID

Soon users may be asked to verify their identity by providing their employee ID when signing in to their G Suite account. This will better protect users from security threats because employee IDs are harder to guess and steal than many types of identity challenges….

Icon Google Forms: Switching to the new UI from August 22

In February 2016, Google made the new version of Forms the default choice for users. More than 90% forms are now managed in the new interface and Google is ready to completely replace the old interface…… See more


Updated: Gimasys

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